Thursday, July 16, 2009

A revolution of monstrous proportions

Hey Everybody,

So maybe my revolution isn't monstrous, but I think it is pretty important. So anyways. I am going to try and blog once a week. I find if I try to do it everyday I have nothing to write about, then I get discouraged and don't write for a long time. So I think that this will add sort of a habit.
Speaking of a long time, Marty has started making videos again. She was at a loss for idea's for a while but then realized that all her friends even enjoyed her silly, random videos and that made her happy.
Now here is something we would like to learn, incase anyone knows. Could someone please comment and tell us how to post a picasa album. But if no one knows that is fine too. It would just be kind of helpful and that's all.
This is sort of an super random post, but today I just had a bunch of tidbits that I needed to share.

Emily B.