Hey Everybody,
Well I have to say. I am pretty much a fail at this whole blogging business. I jsut can't seem to stay on track! So I guess I will try my best to blog every week, but hey! what can I say. Carpe Diem.
Well some big changes have been happening down here in the basement. For starters Marty has moved everything into a large bookcase. The pros- It's nice and organized. The cons- I can't stand up. But Marty is getting older and needs space for other things. So I guess that living on the shelves is fun. I mean we still get all our furniture and everything but it's hard because I loved the space to just get up and waltz over to Anna Maria's room. Now she is sitting next to me, I won't stop pinching me! Geez!
Well I suppose I lied, that is the only change that happened. Marty is pretty down in the dumps though. She keeps trying to make plans for her birthday party. But every time she thinks that she has it perfectly planned something makes it messed up. It's hard having friends that always are traveling for her. But luckily for me, my friends are always there when I visit them! Because that means that Marty is visiting too, which always makes her happy. Maybe she just needs to visit a little bit more.
Emily B.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Thursday, July 16, 2009
A revolution of monstrous proportions
Hey Everybody,
So maybe my revolution isn't monstrous, but I think it is pretty important. So anyways. I am going to try and blog once a week. I find if I try to do it everyday I have nothing to write about, then I get discouraged and don't write for a long time. So I think that this will add sort of a habit.
Speaking of a long time, Marty has started making videos again. She was at a loss for idea's for a while but then realized that all her friends even enjoyed her silly, random videos and that made her happy.
Now here is something we would like to learn, incase anyone knows. Could someone please comment and tell us how to post a picasa album. But if no one knows that is fine too. It would just be kind of helpful and that's all.
This is sort of an super random post, but today I just had a bunch of tidbits that I needed to share.
Emily B.
So maybe my revolution isn't monstrous, but I think it is pretty important. So anyways. I am going to try and blog once a week. I find if I try to do it everyday I have nothing to write about, then I get discouraged and don't write for a long time. So I think that this will add sort of a habit.
Speaking of a long time, Marty has started making videos again. She was at a loss for idea's for a while but then realized that all her friends even enjoyed her silly, random videos and that made her happy.
Now here is something we would like to learn, incase anyone knows. Could someone please comment and tell us how to post a picasa album. But if no one knows that is fine too. It would just be kind of helpful and that's all.
This is sort of an super random post, but today I just had a bunch of tidbits that I needed to share.
Emily B.
Monday, July 13, 2009
Pretty much a fail.
Hey Everybody,
Well this summer has pretty much been a bust so far. I know that it is only the first two weeks, but already Marty has become bored. All her friends have gone on super fun trips and such. But Marty has to stay here because she has nothing to do. And she has been so bored that she has been digging everything out of the basement. Which means it looks like either a tornado has gone through our house, or it was bombed. It's awful, things are all over our beds. Shoes are missing and everything seems to be amiss. But it has escalated to such a huge mess that looking at it immeadiately produces sympathy for whoever has to clean it up. But it will be done on Wednsday. Marty's mom has made it very clear that if the basement has not been cleaned by Wednsday there will be many consquences, severe. consequences.
On a happier note. Marty found a way to alter BABW shirts to fit us American Girl Dolls. She just brings in the seams a few inches on the sides and on the sleeves. So now each of us girls have a new shirt for the summer. A new T-shirt that is, because now we also have a tank top we can share.
Speaking of sharing. Do you know who isn't sharing? Josefina. She has a whole drawer full of beautiful and most of all cool (as in the temperature) mexican clothes. She has been wearing them non-stop, but she won't share with me and Anna-Maria. She is having a grand old time sporting her flowy blouses and skirts and then Me and Anna-Maria are sweating in the lightest clothes we can find. And our cool clothes aren't very attractive anyways. They are all mis-matched. So we are quite the site to behold. Anywasys I am going to go sit in front of a fun.
Emily B.
Well this summer has pretty much been a bust so far. I know that it is only the first two weeks, but already Marty has become bored. All her friends have gone on super fun trips and such. But Marty has to stay here because she has nothing to do. And she has been so bored that she has been digging everything out of the basement. Which means it looks like either a tornado has gone through our house, or it was bombed. It's awful, things are all over our beds. Shoes are missing and everything seems to be amiss. But it has escalated to such a huge mess that looking at it immeadiately produces sympathy for whoever has to clean it up. But it will be done on Wednsday. Marty's mom has made it very clear that if the basement has not been cleaned by Wednsday there will be many consquences, severe. consequences.
On a happier note. Marty found a way to alter BABW shirts to fit us American Girl Dolls. She just brings in the seams a few inches on the sides and on the sleeves. So now each of us girls have a new shirt for the summer. A new T-shirt that is, because now we also have a tank top we can share.
Speaking of sharing. Do you know who isn't sharing? Josefina. She has a whole drawer full of beautiful and most of all cool (as in the temperature) mexican clothes. She has been wearing them non-stop, but she won't share with me and Anna-Maria. She is having a grand old time sporting her flowy blouses and skirts and then Me and Anna-Maria are sweating in the lightest clothes we can find. And our cool clothes aren't very attractive anyways. They are all mis-matched. So we are quite the site to behold. Anywasys I am going to go sit in front of a fun.
Emily B.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Hey Everybody,
I am so sorry that I havn't made a post in a while. Things have just been really hectic lately. Marty has hardly been home at all. So here is what has been happening. So from the last day till the next Thursday she was at her cousins house. Then it was Canada Day, which is always a pretty big deal around here. Then she has just been busy visiting with friends she hasn't seen in forever.And what's up with me you ask? Well nothing exciting. A little bit of cleaning and a little bit of babysitting and a little bit of fighting. You know nothing special. So here are some pictures.
Emily B.

I am so sorry that I havn't made a post in a while. Things have just been really hectic lately. Marty has hardly been home at all. So here is what has been happening. So from the last day till the next Thursday she was at her cousins house. Then it was Canada Day, which is always a pretty big deal around here. Then she has just been busy visiting with friends she hasn't seen in forever.And what's up with me you ask? Well nothing exciting. A little bit of cleaning and a little bit of babysitting and a little bit of fighting. You know nothing special. So here are some pictures.
Emily B.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Inching Closer Still
Hey Everybody,
We were so close, yet so far! The camera cord has come... to the store. Marty's mom, Marty and me all thought that the cord would come in the mail. Which we thought was a perfectly fine expectation. But it turns out that the cord was sent to the store that the camera was bought at. So now we have to bring the camera and stuff to the store and sign off on a bunch of stuff that we have recieved the camera and junk. So soon... I promise. I will get some pictures on here. I miss having Marty taking pictures of me so it is torture for us both.
On a completely different note. Marty has seen three movies this week and would like to express her opinions on them. The first one was "UP". It was a little surprising seeing as it is advertised as a comedy. But really there are quite a few sad parts. The plot is quite pessimestic. On the other hand it has quite a few funny parts... but nothing that would really cause you to pee yourself or anything. The other movie was "Night At The Museum 2 : Battle Of The Smithsonian". Marty quite liked it. It made her laugh very hard at times, but the plot was a little lacking. But it was a light comedy that didn't make you think to much so it was nice. Marty did prefer the first one though. And the last was "Star Trek" so to tell you the truth the only reason she watched it was that Zachary Quinto was playing Spock. And for those of you who don't know Zachary Quinto plays Sylar in Heroes. Which just happens to be Marty's favourite show. But to her great disappointment the movie wasn't very good. She found the plot lacking, irrelevant and boring. The acting was... ok. And there were to many special effects. Now your probably thinking "too many special effects? Are you crazy?" But Marty likes a little but of real blood, sweat and tears in her movies. With sets that were expertly made and that you can say... "WOW I can tell a lot of effort was used to make that"
But remember these are just our personal opinions and this shouldn't stop you from seeing any of these movies.
Emily B.
We were so close, yet so far! The camera cord has come... to the store. Marty's mom, Marty and me all thought that the cord would come in the mail. Which we thought was a perfectly fine expectation. But it turns out that the cord was sent to the store that the camera was bought at. So now we have to bring the camera and stuff to the store and sign off on a bunch of stuff that we have recieved the camera and junk. So soon... I promise. I will get some pictures on here. I miss having Marty taking pictures of me so it is torture for us both.
On a completely different note. Marty has seen three movies this week and would like to express her opinions on them. The first one was "UP". It was a little surprising seeing as it is advertised as a comedy. But really there are quite a few sad parts. The plot is quite pessimestic. On the other hand it has quite a few funny parts... but nothing that would really cause you to pee yourself or anything. The other movie was "Night At The Museum 2 : Battle Of The Smithsonian". Marty quite liked it. It made her laugh very hard at times, but the plot was a little lacking. But it was a light comedy that didn't make you think to much so it was nice. Marty did prefer the first one though. And the last was "Star Trek" so to tell you the truth the only reason she watched it was that Zachary Quinto was playing Spock. And for those of you who don't know Zachary Quinto plays Sylar in Heroes. Which just happens to be Marty's favourite show. But to her great disappointment the movie wasn't very good. She found the plot lacking, irrelevant and boring. The acting was... ok. And there were to many special effects. Now your probably thinking "too many special effects? Are you crazy?" But Marty likes a little but of real blood, sweat and tears in her movies. With sets that were expertly made and that you can say... "WOW I can tell a lot of effort was used to make that"
But remember these are just our personal opinions and this shouldn't stop you from seeing any of these movies.
Emily B.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Semi Formal
Hey Everybody,
Marty is super excited! On Thursday she is going to her semi-formal dance. Which for those of you who don't know is like a mini prom! She has an adorable dress that is about knee-length. It is black and white inter-lapping circles and matching black and white American Eagle flats! The jewelerry has sort of a special story! Her aunts best friend makes custom beaded jewelerry, so Marty and her best friend went to see her and spent two hours making the prefect combination of stones and beads. Nicky (Marty's best friend) has an amazing aqua dress... that she made herself! She is only 15! (One year older then Marty). And has lovely silver flats... but she has a beautiful pendant necklace that is the exact same colour as her dress along with a matching crystal earrings. But Marty has earrings and a bracelet that are made of white and black pearls. Marty also purchased lovely pearl hair-clips. And of course a new leg shaver! Who wants to be a hairy beast at a very important event? No one that's who!
I wish I could go to a big fancy dance. Even if I did go I suppose it wouldn't work beacuse I have nothing to wear. At least nothing appropriate anyways. Josie would be alright because she has lovely camisa's and skirts. I suppose she would let me borrow them, but they just look so much better on her! Anna Maria has the same problem so we are in the same boat! Maybe I can convince Marty to buy me that cute outfit from the craft store. But on the other hand there is the whole ordeal that I have no where to go. I am a perfect example of the phrase all dressed up with no where to go. I do wish that there would be a "doll ball" but alas there is no such thing.
Emily B.
Marty is super excited! On Thursday she is going to her semi-formal dance. Which for those of you who don't know is like a mini prom! She has an adorable dress that is about knee-length. It is black and white inter-lapping circles and matching black and white American Eagle flats! The jewelerry has sort of a special story! Her aunts best friend makes custom beaded jewelerry, so Marty and her best friend went to see her and spent two hours making the prefect combination of stones and beads. Nicky (Marty's best friend) has an amazing aqua dress... that she made herself! She is only 15! (One year older then Marty). And has lovely silver flats... but she has a beautiful pendant necklace that is the exact same colour as her dress along with a matching crystal earrings. But Marty has earrings and a bracelet that are made of white and black pearls. Marty also purchased lovely pearl hair-clips. And of course a new leg shaver! Who wants to be a hairy beast at a very important event? No one that's who!
I wish I could go to a big fancy dance. Even if I did go I suppose it wouldn't work beacuse I have nothing to wear. At least nothing appropriate anyways. Josie would be alright because she has lovely camisa's and skirts. I suppose she would let me borrow them, but they just look so much better on her! Anna Maria has the same problem so we are in the same boat! Maybe I can convince Marty to buy me that cute outfit from the craft store. But on the other hand there is the whole ordeal that I have no where to go. I am a perfect example of the phrase all dressed up with no where to go. I do wish that there would be a "doll ball" but alas there is no such thing.
Emily B.
Monday, June 22, 2009
The Final Week
Hey Everybody,
Marty is super excited. Last Friday was the last daty for teachers to pass in their final marks for report cards. So this week Marty will just be relaxing and watching movies. One of the best parts is that only about seven people show up per day... which means that the bus isn't always crammed full on the way home! And that means she always comes home in a better mood because that means that she hadn't been smushed into smelly children for fifteen minutes on the way home.
Also! Marty has cleaned up and slightly rearranged our doll area of the basement! We used to live (way back when) next to the wood stove. But then the power went out and we had to light the fire and Marty's mom was afraid that me and my sisters would catch on fire. So then we moved to the corner by the couch... but then spring came along and brought the ants... so we didn't want to have ants in our things so we moved to the bookshelves where we live now. So the only problem is that Anna Maria's trundle has turned into a regular bed... just without legs.
Emily B.
Marty is super excited. Last Friday was the last daty for teachers to pass in their final marks for report cards. So this week Marty will just be relaxing and watching movies. One of the best parts is that only about seven people show up per day... which means that the bus isn't always crammed full on the way home! And that means she always comes home in a better mood because that means that she hadn't been smushed into smelly children for fifteen minutes on the way home.
Also! Marty has cleaned up and slightly rearranged our doll area of the basement! We used to live (way back when) next to the wood stove. But then the power went out and we had to light the fire and Marty's mom was afraid that me and my sisters would catch on fire. So then we moved to the corner by the couch... but then spring came along and brought the ants... so we didn't want to have ants in our things so we moved to the bookshelves where we live now. So the only problem is that Anna Maria's trundle has turned into a regular bed... just without legs.
Emily B.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
The Camera Cord
Hey Everyone,
Ugh! The camera cord isn't here yet! How long could it possibly take to deliver a six-inch long cord? Marty is getting frustruated because it is also holding up her youtube video! But what can you do I guess.
Also Marty only has one more week of school after this one! Finally all the projects and tests and quiz...s? and sheets and assignments are done! The teachers have to pass in their marks this Friday so next week they will be watching a lot of movies.
Oh! I forgot to tell you! I got some new PJ's! I used to have some boring old Paisley Pajama's from AG. But now I have new custom PJ's. What happened was Marty bought this pajama set from her local craft store and from the way it was packaged it looked like it would have a robe, PJ pants and a top. But to Marty's disappointment it was a robe with a piece of fabric stretched across the front to look like a top. So she remembered she had a plain white doll tee, and found an old patch with a flamingo on it! So she ironed on the patch and VOILA! I have a new PJ shirt with a flamingo! And it just happened that the flamingo and some of the striped in the pants were the same shade of pink! Yippeee!
Emily B.
Ugh! The camera cord isn't here yet! How long could it possibly take to deliver a six-inch long cord? Marty is getting frustruated because it is also holding up her youtube video! But what can you do I guess.
Also Marty only has one more week of school after this one! Finally all the projects and tests and quiz...s? and sheets and assignments are done! The teachers have to pass in their marks this Friday so next week they will be watching a lot of movies.
Oh! I forgot to tell you! I got some new PJ's! I used to have some boring old Paisley Pajama's from AG. But now I have new custom PJ's. What happened was Marty bought this pajama set from her local craft store and from the way it was packaged it looked like it would have a robe, PJ pants and a top. But to Marty's disappointment it was a robe with a piece of fabric stretched across the front to look like a top. So she remembered she had a plain white doll tee, and found an old patch with a flamingo on it! So she ironed on the patch and VOILA! I have a new PJ shirt with a flamingo! And it just happened that the flamingo and some of the striped in the pants were the same shade of pink! Yippeee!
Emily B.
Friday, June 12, 2009
Yay for my human!
Hey Everyone,
Guess what!?! Marty won a really big award last night! She won the Kirstyn Butler Memorial Award. That is the highest award in the Fine Arts part of her school. Basically her school s divied up into two parts. Sports and Fine Arts. So her and her friend Cody won! She was so shocked... seeing as she has never won an award for anything like good citizenship. The basic criteria is that you have to have a dtermination to do well academically, have an execptional talent in the fine arts and accept and postively influence others. She won it because she loves to play in the band, she is always on the honour roll and she loves to make friends.
Emily B.
Guess what!?! Marty won a really big award last night! She won the Kirstyn Butler Memorial Award. That is the highest award in the Fine Arts part of her school. Basically her school s divied up into two parts. Sports and Fine Arts. So her and her friend Cody won! She was so shocked... seeing as she has never won an award for anything like good citizenship. The basic criteria is that you have to have a dtermination to do well academically, have an execptional talent in the fine arts and accept and postively influence others. She won it because she loves to play in the band, she is always on the honour roll and she loves to make friends.
Emily B.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Possible Chaperone.
Hey Everyone,
So here's the deal. Marty is supposedly going on a band trip next Tuesday, but only 20 of the 30 people have handed in their payment. Now this is all out of the 7, 8, 9 band. So Marty and her friend Nicky were very distressed seeing as their band trip was probably going down the tubes. But get this! Marty's band teacher had an excellent solution! They would become chaperones on the grade six band trip! Now I don't know how well a bunch of eleven year olds will listen to two fourteen year olds, and a band teacher, but I guess you never know until you try! So wish her luck, primairly that her trip won't be canceled, but if you don't have enough wish power for that, just hope that she will be able to chaperone the grade six's!
Emily B.
So here's the deal. Marty is supposedly going on a band trip next Tuesday, but only 20 of the 30 people have handed in their payment. Now this is all out of the 7, 8, 9 band. So Marty and her friend Nicky were very distressed seeing as their band trip was probably going down the tubes. But get this! Marty's band teacher had an excellent solution! They would become chaperones on the grade six band trip! Now I don't know how well a bunch of eleven year olds will listen to two fourteen year olds, and a band teacher, but I guess you never know until you try! So wish her luck, primairly that her trip won't be canceled, but if you don't have enough wish power for that, just hope that she will be able to chaperone the grade six's!
Emily B.
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
We ordered the cable!
Hey Everyone!
Good news! We ordered the USB cable for the camera! So whenever it comes Marty will take lots and lots of pictures of me! ...and my sisters >:(
So anyways we don't really know how long it is going to take, but soon I hope. So no worries guys!
Marty is pretty upset though! She got a really bad mark on a very important project, even though she worked very, very hard on it. And I should know! she didn't come into the basement for weeks! I was beginning to think she was sick or something! But it turns out that summer vacation is soon, so soon we can sleep-in and do all sorts of fun things. Marty is a little bit nervous though. Next year is her first year of high-school! Pretty scary apparently, I wouldn't know I'm only 12! So I am still only in grade 7! I am pretty much homeschooled. But we have a real teacher... she just comes to our house!
Emily B.
Good news! We ordered the USB cable for the camera! So whenever it comes Marty will take lots and lots of pictures of me! ...and my sisters >:(
So anyways we don't really know how long it is going to take, but soon I hope. So no worries guys!
Marty is pretty upset though! She got a really bad mark on a very important project, even though she worked very, very hard on it. And I should know! she didn't come into the basement for weeks! I was beginning to think she was sick or something! But it turns out that summer vacation is soon, so soon we can sleep-in and do all sorts of fun things. Marty is a little bit nervous though. Next year is her first year of high-school! Pretty scary apparently, I wouldn't know I'm only 12! So I am still only in grade 7! I am pretty much homeschooled. But we have a real teacher... she just comes to our house!
Emily B.
Monday, June 8, 2009
I found a photo!
Hey Everybody!
Guess what, I found an old photo of me. Good thing about dolls is that our looks never change, unless you have a hair-cut like Josie has. Josie looks really darling with her new 'do! Actually its not that new, I'll have to post a photo sometime.
Anyways here is the story about how I found a picture even though our computer was renewed and we lost the USB to our camera. Well... Marty (my mom) remembered that she had an old photobucket account! So it turns out there was a nice pic of me in there!

And about our computer getting renewed. Marty's step-dad decided that their computer had to much "e-clutter" so he made some backup files of really important stuff, and completely erased their whole computer, so now all her pics are gone! So I will take some new pictures soon, as soon as we find the camera USB.
Emily B.
Guess what, I found an old photo of me. Good thing about dolls is that our looks never change, unless you have a hair-cut like Josie has. Josie looks really darling with her new 'do! Actually its not that new, I'll have to post a photo sometime.
Anyways here is the story about how I found a picture even though our computer was renewed and we lost the USB to our camera. Well... Marty (my mom) remembered that she had an old photobucket account! So it turns out there was a nice pic of me in there!

And about our computer getting renewed. Marty's step-dad decided that their computer had to much "e-clutter" so he made some backup files of really important stuff, and completely erased their whole computer, so now all her pics are gone! So I will take some new pictures soon, as soon as we find the camera USB.
Emily B.
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